At St Catherine's, we strive to build a learning community where relationships among students, staff, parents, caregivers, friends, and our parish are inspired by our awareness of Jesus and his teachings, and our belief in Christ. This awareness guides us in supporting every learner in Religious Education and all other Learning Areas in our School.
The Religious Education Curriculum includes the Religion Curriculum and the Religious Life of the School, as approved by the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane. Each week, 2.5 hours are dedicated to the classroom Religion Curriculum, in addition to the time allocated for other Learning Areas, similar to Queensland Government Schools.
The Religion Curriculum is structured like the Australian Curriculum, with Year Level Descriptions, Content Descriptions (Knowledge, Understandings, and Skills), and Year Level Achievement Standards. It has four Strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church, and Christian Life, each with detailed Sub-strands. Teachers use this curriculum to teach students about Religion. Students' progress in this Learning Area is assessed and reported to parents and caregivers.
The Religious Life of St Catherine's School teaches students how to be religious in the Catholic Christian Tradition. Students from other traditions are respected and encouraged to share their backgrounds. Activities include prayer, meditation, liturgy, assemblies, and celebrations. There are also activity days to help students become leaders and become more aware of themselves, others, and the environment. Additionally, there are projects to support those who are less fortunate. The Religious Life of the School is shown through learning about and celebrating our Nano Nagle Charism, our School Patron (St Catherine Labouré from France), and our House Patrons. The House Patrons are Jagera (the Jagera People), Conway (Sr Margaret Conway, our Foundation Principal), O'Shea (Fr John O'Shea, our Foundation Priest), and Rush (Archbishop Francis Rush, of Brisbane in 1973, the year our school was founded). Students are never assessed academically in these areas of their development in faith, hope, and love.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Catherine's Catholic Primary School (2023)